
Yikes! It's the Fish Wife!

This is another one that I did quite a while ago, when I still had access to a scanner. I understand that some could interpret this image as misogynistic, but it's meant nothing more than a bit of daft fun. I recently heard the term "fishwife"; it originally meant a woman who sold fish at markets, but ultimately became a derogatory term for any coarse, shrewish woman of low background. When I heard the term, however, I couldn't help but think of an image similar to this, a sort of female version of the Creature from the Black Lagoon.

In fact, the whole image sums up my dislike of fish. It's not a fear, it's just that I find a lot of specific types to be quite ugly. Thus, the perfect inspiration for a creation apt for a horror/sci-fi B-movie, and a perfect thing to display in the run-up to Halloween!

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