
Bits and bobs: Prince Noname

Yes, it's true. I'm terrible at updating. First of all, I've been busy with other things that this blog has to come pretty low down the priority list. On top of that, I still can't get access to a scanner regularly, and the battery to my SLR has gone poof. I'm returning to the UK for good in a few weeks time, and I hope that the return shall remedy my problem. In the mean time, here's the first part of a few "bits and bobs" - nothing important in particular, just some little sketches and other such things.

This is something I did a few months back, pulled from a sketchbook. It's a quick scribble of a prince or equally aristocratic youth, complete with my attempts at replicating 16th century fashion from memory. I will also admit that it was done to experiment with ink and gouache. I think that I either drew this character as a potential design for a fairy tale illustration (I can't remember which story, though!) or as a character in one of my own potential stories. Either way, I like to think that, despite not looking like me a great deal, I instilled some of my own positive attributes into the character.

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